Information for people with Diabetes
Foot problems are a common complication in people with diabetes, due to the high risk of nerve damage, and to problems with the blood supply to the feet. High-quality hosiery plays an essential role in this preventative strategy aiming to keep intact skin free from injury
The foot and diabetes
Emerging from the development of compression hosiery for flight travel, the
market has now evolved and developed to encompass other products designed
to address lower limb and foot problems which may result from medical conditions
such as diabetes, arthritis and other circulatory and neurological disorders.
The complications of diabetes are strongly related to high blood sugar levels
and are mostly correlated with the duration of diabetes. Long term complications
may occur in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus and can impact on the status
and health of blood vessels to the heart and peripheries, the kidneys, eyes,
feet and the nerves. Collectively, high sugar levels result in a slow progressive
deterioration in individuals that cannot sustain high levels of sugar in
the blood.
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